All interested students are welcome to attend our meetings, undergraduate and graduate alike. Active membership status is given to those who attend the first general meeting of the quarter. Maintenance of that status is based on attendance and participation. Those who miss the first meeting can be voted active status, again based on attendance and participation. Those without active status are still invited to attend general meeting and will be allowed to participate in specified events. We hope to see you at the next general meeting!
Japanese Student Association (JSA)
Hanasukai: Japanese Conversation Group
Hanasukai , the Japanese Conversation Group, is the language program hosted by the Japanese Student Association. It is designed to provide the opportunity for Japanese learners to practice speaking the language in a casual setting with native speakers. Japanese speaking ability is required to participate in meetings and are open to students who are native Japanese speakers, speak at a near fluent level, or are studying Japanese. For more information on how to get involved, feel free to come to weekly meeting on Tuesdays from 7-8PM at C-shop, join our Facebook group, or email Allison Kramer and Daisuke Inoue.